Several graduate programs offer special rates for out-of-state students. Check with the individual program for more information.
Distance students typically pay tuition plus a distance learning fee. Tuition for distance students reflects several fee reductions and waivers: FSU waives student health, transportation, and facilities use fees for distance students and significantly reduces athletics and activities/services fees.
Where Can I Find Current Tuition Rates?
The Office of Student Finance publishes tuition and fees for the current school year on its website, but always check with the FSU college or department offering your program for the most current information on costs. Many programs participate in programs to provide competitive tuition rates for out-of-state students.
What Does the Distance Learning Fee Pay for?
The distance learning fee helps recover costs for developing, delivering, and supporting a fully online program. The fee varies by course, and FSU reviews each fee annually to ensure that what is charged is in line with the actual, annual costs incurred. Your distance learning fee pays for
- curriculum design and development,
- technology for online delivery,
- course mentors, and
- online program support services.
Additional Fees
Proctored Testing
Some online courses require proctored testing that may be associated with an additional charge. For instance, students taking exams outside of Tallahassee will typically pay fees to an approved testing facility for the services they provide. See the FSU Testing Center website for more information.
FSU distance students pay a $5-per-term (fall and spring only) FSUCard fee. FSUCards come with student discounts for participating merchants and businesses and entry to FSU events. Your FSUCard can be used to purchase books through FSU’s online bookstore and is a handy reference for your FSU library number when using FSU Distance Library Services.
Market Rate Programs
Are you an out-of-state student? Some online programs take advantage of programs to make their costs more affordable to non-residents. Several of FSU’s graduate programs are offered at market rate, a reduced tuition rate for qualified, out-of-state students. Programs approved to offer market rates can result in significant savings for students who don't meet Florida residency requirements. Consult the FSU college or department offering your online program for more information.
The Academic Common Market
Some FSU graduate programs participate in the Academic Common Market, an agreement between member states to share academic programs and reduce tuition. Under the agreement, qualifying out-of-state students pay in-state tuition rates. The agreement is typically limited to programs not offered in the student’s home state, and students need to submit an application to be considered.