Complaint Resolution

FSU is committed to providing opportunities for students to air concerns and seek resolution. If you have a complaint, FSU provides several channels for resolution. FSU's participation in SARA* provides an additional level of accountability to protect and respond to the rights of distance learners.

Step 1. Follow FSU's internal grievance procedure.

Students are encouraged to pursue resolution of their complaints in the least-formal manner possible, beginning the resolution attempt with those who are most closely involved. After verbally expressing a concern without resolution, students can file a complaint within a more formal process.

Detailed information on FSU's grievance procedure, including special instructions for students enrolled in online courses through an FSU branch campus, is maintained on the General Bulletin's Academic Integrity & Grievances webpage. You can also consult the Student Complaint Routes chart for an overview of available complaint channels (or download a screen-reader optimized version).

More information on academic integrity and grievances can be found on FSU's Faculty Development & Advancement website.

Step 2. If not satisfied with the outcome, contact a student ombudsperson.

If a complaint isn't solved to the satisfaction of both parties, contact a student ombudsperson. An ombudsperson is an impartial, independent party who provides a safe place to air concerns, answers questions about complaint channels, clarifies university policies, and helps students navigate options for resolution. You can find contact information for undergraduate and graduate ombudspersons on the Student Complaints & Appeals page.

Step 3. If not satisfied with the outcome, contact the State University System of Florida.

Florida Board of Governors
State University System
325 West Gaines Street, Suite 1614
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400
p. 800-245-0466

The State University System website listed above provides helpful information on filing complaints after exhausting all appropriate internal university processes.  

Step 4. If not satisfied with the outcome, contact FL-SARA.

Distance students who have completed the internal institutional grievance and the applicable state grievance process may appeal non-instructional complaints to FL-SARA Postsecondary Distance Education Council (PRDEC), SARA's portal agency for the state of Florida. For instructions on filing a complaint with SARA, please visit the FL-SARA Complaint Process webpage or contact Please note that complaints related to grades or student conduct may not be appealed to FL-SARA.

*State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (SARA) provides oversight of postsecondary distance education at a national level.