Office of Digital Learning

Supporting the Online Learning Experience

The Office of Digital Learning (ODL) serves as a steward of distance education at FSU, providing leadership, policy guidance, faculty support and development, and other resources. ODL’s services to students, faculty, and staff promote and implement university initiatives to support student academic achievement in technology-mediated learning environments:

Visit and learn more about the office behind Distance@FSU.

  • Academic program support for distance students and programs
  • Learning technologies support, including Canvas, FSU’s learning management system
  • Assessment and testing services for high-stakes and distance learning exams
  • Form scanning and administration of FSU course evaluations
  • Faculty support for online course design and development
  • Media production services for faculty teaching online courses

If you have questions about navigating distance learning at FSU, we're here to help. Contact us for assistance, and one of our program specialists will be in touch.