Offering the first master of social work (MSW) of its kind in the country, FSU has the reputation and the experience to create a student-centered online environment where you’ll get to know your peers, faculty, and professional staff. You’ll go through a widely recognized program and come out a career-ready professional capable of working in a number of areas. We offer both a traditional online MSW program (61 credit hours) and an advanced standing MSW program (39 credit hours).
Please note that the advanced standing program is only for students who have earned a bachelor's degree in social work (BSW) from an institution accredited by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) or for students interested in transferring from a two-year, traditional CSWE-accredited MSW program who have completed their first year of studies to include a generalist field placement. A BSW is not required for the traditional online MSW.
Available Majors
- Social Work
Questions? Contact Fran Gomory, MSW Program Director, at fgomory@fsu.edu.